In addition to a large number of scientific papers published in scientific journals, we also publish different formats including reports and studies for a readership with distinct previous or specialized knowledge in different thematic fields.
GERICS publications in detail:
Klimawandel in Deutschland (2nd edition)

The scientific compendium "Climate Change in Germany: Development, Consequences, Risks and Perspectives" has been republished (in German only). On 527 pages, 165 researchers write in 39 chapters about the effects of climate change and present options for action. A newly included section with five chapters is dedicated to the topics of emissions reduction, including in the transport sector, passive CO2 storage through nature-based solutions and methods for active CO2 removal.
further information on the second edition
GERICS Reports

In GERICS Reports studies written by GERICS scientific staff and PhD students are published. The Reports cover results regarding different scientific questions and service oriented topics.
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GERICS City Series

The GERICS City Series provides regional and service-oriented information on current issues in dealing with climate change for the urban space. The information is based on the diverse work done in the urban context at GERICS and covers the entire spectrum of regional and local climate information, climate change impacts and governance issues. The series focuses on the practical applicability of the information based on the current state of science.
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The metropolitan region of Hamburg in warmer worlds

GERICS has developed a flyer on the impact of 1.5°C global warming on the Hamburg Metropolitan Region and has compiled further information on the background of the special report. In addition to the 1.5°C flyer, there is another flyer which describes how a global warming of 2°C, 3°C or 4°C affects the Hamburg metropolitan region.
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Studies, Brochures and Documentations

A broad bandwidth of themes, sectors and topics is covered by the different GERICS studies, brochures and documentations.
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Klima konkret

Renowned authors and experts inform with "Klima konkret" in a compact, sound and easily understandable way about important topics on climate.
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Our newsletter reports about our different activities and informs with several contributions about climate science and climate services.
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GERICS has published a hard-cover book about climate change and biodiversity, entitled "Klimawandel und Biodiversität - Folgen für Deutschland", as well as an e-book about water with the title "Warnsignal Kilma - Genug Wasser für alle?"
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Scientific journal: Climate Services

In cooperation with the publisher Elsevier GERICS launched the scientific journal Climate Services. Since there was no scientific journal in the field of climate services addressing both scientists and practitioners, Climate Services aims to close this gap.
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GERICS Fact-Shets

The GERICS Climate-Fact-Sheets provide concise information on the magnitude of projected climate change and the range of these changes for individual countries or regions.
The GERICS Climate-Focus-Papers provide an introduction to topics of particular relevance to support the design of projects and investments, in addition to aiding the evaluation of climate feasibility studies.
The GERICS Climate Action Sheets address specific questions on the local effects of climate change, provide customised climate change information for various possible future scenarios and discuss together with local experts which protective and precautionary measures are necessary.
GERICS articles at Earth System Knowledge Platform (ESKP) of Helmholtz-Association
read the articlesGERICS articles at Open Access Government (www.openaccessgovernment.org)
read the articlesCompleted dissertations at GERICS
DissertationsPublications in scientific journals
These lists are updated twice a year. Please use also the Publication Database of Hereon: