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The BMBF junior research group "CoCareSociety" introduces itself

CoCare-Clip (2024)_screenshot Kris Ebi

Prof Dr Kristie Ebi, CoCareSociety Partner - CHanGE

The new junior research group "CoCareSociety", funded by the BMBF and supported by the DLR project management, is based at the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS). The central research objective is the development and provision of new climate services to meet long-term demographic change, climate change, future energy requirements for housing and health. The aim is to realise synergies and develop practicable solutions for the nexus between health, climate and energy.

"CoCareSociety" is interdisciplinary and international, with researchers from both the Global North and the Global South working closely together, not least to take appropriate account of the very different regional circumstances.

This short video introduces the CoCareSociety project.