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Stories of the future – Harnessing the power of Digital Twins

LocationRepresentation of the Free State of Bavaria to the European Union · Rue Wiertz 77 · 1000 Brussels
HostHelmholtz Association
Time5:30 p.m.
Helmholtz_Stories of the future (event)

Image: ESA

Powerful digital technologies, in particular Artificial Intelligence, will have a profound impact on sustainability research. For the first time, we can now build sophisticated digital models for different compartments of the earth system. The aim is to employ effective tools to support decision making to address environmental challenges and to explore optimised pathways towards a sustainable way of living.

AI-based models and Digital Twins are a priority for Helmholtz in all research fields. Let us discuss how exactly they will help to shape our future in the Earth and Environment domain: What observational data and tools do we need for Digital Twins? What role will Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models play in their development?

Together with experts from science and policy, we will present current and future applications of Digital Twins and discuss user needs and expectations. We are sure that you will have many additional questions in mind!

Here you can find more details about this event. We kindly ask you to register here until 18 September, 2024.

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