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Climate Service Center 2.0 takes over CSP newsletter

CSP Newsletter Cover

The Climate Service Center 2.0 is delighted to announce its taking over of the international Climate Service Partnership newsletter. With this, we have freshly released the July issue.

The quarterly newsletter provides updates and exciting news from the global climate services community, as well as recent publications and upcoming events.

Unique to July's newsletter is an interview with Marco Gemmer, from the European Commission, on the EC’s role with climate services, including the European Research and Innovation Roadmap for Climate Services, as well as a feature by Glen Anderson on the benefits of metrological and hydrological services.

This newsletter serves to keep you in the loop with this dynamic and diverse community in this exciting time. To help aid us in realising this goal, we enthusiastically welcome your contributions to future issues.

CSP Newsletter July 2015


April Humble E-mail contact