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Kick-Off Meeting CLICCS

Cluster of excellence „Cimate, Climatic Change, and Society“ started

The Kick-Off meeting of the cluster of excellence “Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS)”, which officially started at the beginning of this year and runs for 7 years, took place at the University of Hamburg on 28th March.

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In an unique transdisciplinary effort CLICCS scientists want to answer the question “Which climate futures are possible and which are plausible?”.As the head of CLICCS Prof. Detlef Stammer welcomed the audience and gave an overview of the objectives, goals, and structure of the cluster. Thereafter, the coordinators of the 16 CLICCS-projects gave a short overview of their research goals and their research methods followed by interesting scientific discussions.

GERICS scientists are actively involved in several CLICCS projects with their expertise in climate service, regional climate modeling, stakeholder engagement, system dynamics modeling etc.

Clicss Kickoff

Group photo of the CLICCS-Kick-Off participants. © UHH/CEN/T. Wasilewski

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