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Urban Climate Action - The urban content of the NDCs: Global review 2022

UN Habitat Report - Urban Climate Action_sceenshot

Screenshot: UN Habitat / SDU.Resilience / UNESCO)

In cooperation between the UN agencies UN Habitat, UNESCO and the University of Southern Denmark (SDU.Resilience), a comprehensive scientific expert report on climate change mitigation and adaptation with a focus on urban environments has been produced, involving numerous bilateral and multilateral organisations. GERICS scientist María Máñez Costa also acted as co-author.

This report was prepared by United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN Habitat) and the UNESCO Chair on Urban Resilience at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU.Resilience). It offers a global analysis of the urban content of 193 Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs; national climate mitigation contributions) submitted to the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) before the 19th of June 2022.

For this report, more than 200 indicators were used to analyse external data (e.g., Human Development Index and income categorisation) and data within the NDCs, including climate mitigation and adaptation challenges and responses, as well as specific sectors.

The present review has two main objectives:

1. To understand the urban content of NDCs by conducting the following: classifying NDCs into three clusters (A: strong urban content, B: moderate urban content, C: low or no urban content); identifying urban mitigation challenges and responses and urban adaptation challenges and responses by sector; and highlighting specific urban needs on finance, capacity building and technology.

2. To highlight (mis)alignment between: General mitigation/adaptation challenges vs Urban mitigation/ adaptation challenges; Urban mitigation challenges
vs urban mitigation responses; Urban adaptation challenges vs urban adaptation responses; Urban mitigation/adaptation challenges/responses vs request for finance; Urban mitigation/adaptation challenges/ responses vs request for technology; and Urban mitigation/adaptation challenges/responses vs request for capacity building.

The full report can be read at the following link.

To the full report "Urban Climate Action - The urban content of the NDCs: Global review 2022"


Dr. María Máñez Costa

Phone: +49 (0) 40 226 338 408

Fax: +49 (0) 40 226 338 163

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