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Heavy rain and flash floods - New GERICS information brochure for the town of Geesthacht (in German only)

GERICS-Flyer Starkregen_Geesthacht 2024_Cover

Heavy rainfall and the resulting flooding are among the most rapidly occurring and difficult to predict weather events that can immediately cause major damage to individual households and businesses. It can also be assumed that these events will increase noticeably all over the world as global warming increases. For this reason, the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS), together with the city of Geesthacht, has produced a brochure on how to deal with extreme precipitation.

The brochure is aimed in particular at households in Geesthacht that are located in potential flooding areas. To improve the level of preventative information, the brochure contains tips on prevention and behaviour in the event of damage and refers to information options in the form of smartphone apps as well as local emergency numbers.
It is based on the heavy rain flyer that was developed for the town of Bleckede in 2018. It is based on modelling using the HEC-RAS rainfall-runoff model.

The publication can be found at this link (in German only)