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Laura Detjen

Laura Detjen

PhD Student
Phone: +49 (0) 40 226 338 201
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Laura Detjen has started her PhD at GERICS in August 2024. Her work is part of the HICSS HYDROLINE project, a collaboration between GERICS and the University of Hamburg. Laura’s research will focus on the physical processes of meteorological extremes under past and future global warming using convection permitting regional climate modeling. Further, she will investigate the impact of different land-atmosphere feedbacks on extreme events.

Laura studied „Physics of the Earth System“ with focus on Meteorology and Oceanography at Kiel University. In 2024, she obtained her Master’s degree in „Atmosphere, Climate and Ecosystems“ from the University of Gothenburg (Sweden). During her Master’s thesis project, she analysed how well different km-scale simulations from the CORDEX FPS Convection-Permitting Third Pole capture extreme precipitation events that occurred during 2020 in the Sichuan Basin (China).

To the detailed CV of Laura Detjen (87 KB)