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Juliane Frost

Juliane Frost

PhD Student
Phone: +49 (0) 40 226 338 407
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Juliane Frost started as a PhD candidate at GERICS in August 2024. Her work is part of the HICSS URBANLINE project, a collaboration between GERICS and the University of Hamburg. In her research, Juliane develops and implements participatory approaches for an integrated assessment of heat vulnerability in the city of Constance.

Juliane completed her Bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences at Leuphana University Lüneburg, followed by a Master's degree in Environmental Governance at the University of Freiburg. During her Master's studies, she worked as a research assistant in the project "Local Competence Development for Climate Change Adaptation in Small and Medium-Sized Municipalities and Administrative Districts" (LoKlim). Subsequently, her Master's thesis investigated manifestations of gender relations in municipal climate change adaptation processes in Baden-Württemberg. Her research interests include climate change adaptation, participation, environmental and climate justice, and feminist research.

To the detailed CV of Juliane Frost (760 KB)