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Jan-Christopher Cohrs

Jan-Christopher Cohrs

Phone: +49 (0) 40 226 338 301
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Jan-Christopher Cohrs joined GERICS as a research associate in January 2025. As a member of Dr Diana Rechid's team, he will work together with Dr Eric Samakinwa on the EU-funded project ‘FOCAL - Efficient Exploration of climate data locally’. The aim of this project is to develop a platform that provides the necessary infrastructure and workflows for the rapid and efficient development of innovative methods to improve the understanding of climate change at a local level. At GERICS, high-resolution climate change data will be linked with geodata and environmental data and utilised for urban applications using new statistical methods and AI. The workflows are developed and evaluated together with municipal authorities and made available via web applications.

Jan initially studied mathematics at the University of Göttingen, specialising in numerical mathematics. In 2019, he received his Master's degree in mathematics from RWTH Aachen University, where he specialised in mathematical image processing and data science.

Following his master's degree, he worked as a research assistant at RWTH Aachen University until 2024 in the DFG-funded International Research Training Group 2379 ‘Modern inverse problems’ in the field of computer-aided analysis of hyperspectral images.